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  • An Open Letter To SDTA From Villerest

    Comité de Jumelage de Villerest Hier s’est tenue l’assemblée générale du Comité de Jumelage de Villerest. J’avais inscrit à l’ordre du jour le renouvellement du Bureau avec l’intention de transmettre ma présidence tout comme Geneviève transmettre sa vice-présidence. Je suis heureux de vous annoncer que Maryline LACOTE (à gauche sur la photo) devient la présidente…

  • Villerest/Storrington Twinning June 2024

    Old friendships are renewed as Storrington welcomes our town twinning guests from Villerest, France  In June Storrington & District Twinning Association welcomed old friends from Villerest, our twin town.  Eight guests from Villerest enjoyed the hospitality of host families and the Association organised a full schedule of events for them to enjoy out and about in…

  • Storrington/Villerest Twinning visit October 2023

    A long awaited return visit to Villerest after Covid restrictions.   This visit including 50 from Cerrione marked the inauguration of ‘Place Cerrione’, similar to ‘Place Villerest’ in Storrington.  During our stay we were entertained in the evenings with a cabaret, during the daytime we revisited Roanne, Charlieu to name a few. 

  • Villerest/Storrington Twinning visit August 2019

    Lunch at The Sportsman after a visit to Champs Hill The full Itinerary also consisted of a wine tour and tastings at Nutbourne Vineyard ending with evening soirees.  

  • Cerrione/Storrington visit July 2019

    This exchange visit by Cerrione consisted of a of group of children. It included a day trip to London, Arundel Castle, Wetlands Trust, a day out at Brighton, Palace Pier, the Lanes and fish and chips on the beach. To end the visit a walk to the top of Chantry Lane,  time to visit Storrington…